So you are dual booting. Did you mention that before?
Umm why do you have critical backups on an OS partition? That's the height
of folly.
I suggest that you have over-complicated things by not accepting (like
99.99999999% of other people) that the PRIMARY OS goes on C and secondary
OSs go on whichever partition you put them. May I ask WHY you have this
extraordinary setup? What benefits does it bring?
I thought I did mention that I dual boot - I figured it would be rather
obvious since I've mentioned many times I keep different OSs on different
partitions. but for the record I don't dual boot. I quadraboot. At this
time, the box that I'm playing with Vista on has:
C: XP64. All of my programs go here, plus about a GB of utilities that I
keep in a seperate directory (c:\utils) because they don't have any OS
dependencies - I can copy them anywhere and run them at any time without
having to run an installer. This is my primary OS.
D: All of may data files. I backup files on the entire partition to another
drive on this box, and onto drives on two other computers.
E: XP32 and backup for my data files since the E: partition is on a
physical drive seperate from my D: partition. I also backup my D: partition
to two separate drives on two other computers. I boot to XP32 when I need to
do something I can't do in XP64 and a virtual machine won't work.
F: Archive, games, stuff I don't want kept with my data files. I only back
up some of the stuff here, a lot of it is stuff that I keep for convenience,
stuff I haven't bothered to get rid of, ISOs for stuff I've tested, etc.
Most of it would not be missed if the drive crashed.
G: A scratch partition that I currently have Vista64 installed on.
An ext2 partition where I keep Linux and my linux tools. This is my
secondary OS and gets used a lot.
I disagree that having critical backups on an OS partition is folly. What is
important is that they are on seperate physical drives in different boxes. I
once had a promise controller go south and take out all of the hard drives
in a box, backups and all, so I now keep my critical backups on two
additional boxes. Whether or not there is an OS on the partition doesn't put
the data at risk.
Does this over complicate things? From my perspective, this sinplifies
things. If I want to backup my data, I just grab a shot of my entire D:
partition. The entire drive. Do you keep your socks and underwear and
neckties and shoes in the same drawer in your dresser?