Luke said:
Wanting to know if and how you can make text appear in one cell when
you move the mouse over a word in another cell. want to do this so
that i can make information about that name come up if you scroll
over the name.
Try the code below.
The first <div> has a cell, which when moused over makes the text appear in the cell in the second <div>.
This may not quite be what you want since you may want the second table to be always visible but different things to appear when
different cells in the first table are moused over. If you do want this, please post back as this can also be done.
<script type="text/javascript">
function hideit(elid,hide) {
if (hide != "show") document.getElementById(elid).style.display="none"
else document.getElementById(elid).style.display="block"
<div style="float:left">
<td valign="top" onmouseover="hideit('row1','show')" onmouseout="hideit('row1','hide')">
Item 1
<table border="1">
<td id="row1" style="display:none">
Item 1 Full description<br>
Blah blah blah <br>
Blah blah blah <br>
Blah blah blah <br>