in excel program in tools there are a visual basic ,and Iwant to kno
how to ues it
how to write a code for sheet and more
I work on program visual basic
but I dont know how to ues the visual in excel
and thankyou for your interestin
in excel program in tools there are a visual basic ,and Iwant to kno
how to ues it
how to write a code for sheet and more
I work on program visual basic
but I dont know how to ues the visual in excel
and thankyou for your interestin
John Walkenbach's is a nice one to start with. John Green (and others) is nice,
too. See if you can find them in your local bookstore and you can choose what
one you like best.
I started by recording a macro of me copying and pasting cells on
sheet, entering data into cells, adding & deleting rows, columns et
then going to the VB Editor and looking at the code that was recorded.