How can print A Id badge From a Excell Work Sheet

  • Thread starter Thread starter sbaby
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I have built a Excell Work book to keep track of our Fire Fighter membership,
Basicly it goes like this, Page 1 line 2 A =Card #, Line 2 B = Name, Line 2F
= Fire Fighter, Then line 3 would be the next Member and so on. I made card
Template on Page 3 and I want to place a button in Page 1 Line 2 H to place
the Information in the template on page 3 " the info from the line 2 I was
mentioning 2 A, B, And F.
I have been able to Put multiple text boxes in the Template and using the =
it will place the info from the lines I want where I want it. I am having
trouble getting the button , and Also getting it to do this for multiple
I only have the capabilty to Print 1 card at a time, so I was tring to place
a button at the end of each members info so It will place that members info
into the card so I can print the card that I need.
You say that you have the capability to print only one card at a time. Do
you want to be able to print all the cards at one time? Assuming that you
want to print only a specific card (name) at a time, I would suggest a small
macro. The macro would operate on the active row whenever a button is
clicked. Your sheet would have a button at the top labeled maybe "Print
This Card". You would click on any cell in the row you want to print, and
the macro will transfer all the necessary data to the template and print it.
You could expand this to print all the cards at once simply by adding a
second button, labeled maybe "Print All Cards". Click on that button and
all the cards would print. Does this sound like what you want? If so,
provide the layout of the template card. That is, the name goes into this
cell, the card number into that cell, the name into the other cell, etc.
HTH Otto
I have a Excel spreadsheet with 10 columns and 900 lines.

I wrote a macro to take information off of line 2 on worksheet #1 and place
it in a form on worksheet #2

How do I get the macro to run on different lines say line 4 and then line
498 and then 987. (The macro is written for line #2)

The form on sheet #2 is the same. Do I need to write this same macro for
each line? Is there a way to run a macro on a highlighted area? Can I put
a button at the end of each line?

Any help will be appreciated.
Post your macro. A macro can be written to work on the active row or on a
selection of more than one row. For the case of multiple rows, do you want
to select contiguous rows or non-contiguous rows? Say that your data starts
in Column A and row 2. Say that you select cells A5:A10 or just A7 or
non-contiguous cells A5,A8, A15, A20. The macro would look like this: I
made up the source and destination cell addresses. You would need to change
the cell addresses to go with your data. HTH Otto
Sub PrintCards()
Dim i As Range
For Each i In Selection
With Sheets("Cards")
.Range("A3") = Cells(i.Row, 1) 'A1 of the active sheet (the
.Range("B6") = Cells(i.Row, 2) 'A2 of the active sheet
.Range("B2") = Cells(i.Row, 3) 'A3 of the active sheet
'etc Note A3, B6, B2 at the beginning of each line are in the
Cards sheet
End With
Next i
End Sub