How can I verify Win2k Server recognizes hyper-threading Enabled

  • Thread starter Thread starter garytn9988
  • Start date Start date


I just installed Windows 2000 Server and also applied SP4. But I don't see
where the OS shows my one Intel P4 800FSB Prescott 1MEG Cache as two CPU's.

1. How can I verify that the OS recognizes that Hyper-threading is enabled
in the Bios setup?
2. If the OS is not recognizing Hyper-Threading, what should I look at to
get it enabled?

Note: The OS was installed when Hyper-Threading was enabled in the BIOS

Below are the Harware Components installed.

Harware Components:
-Intel P4 800FSB Prescott 1MEG Cache processor
-Soyo - SY-P4I865PE Plus Dragon 2 V1.0 Motherboard
-Ultra 512MEG PC3200 DDR 400
-P4 Ready 450watt Chasis
-Seagate Ultra ATA/100 80GIG drive (Master IDE)
-Quantum ATA/100 1GIG drive (Slave IDE)
-Basic CD-ROM drive on the other secondary IDE interface set as Master

Primary Boot Partition: C: drive
File System: NTFS
Partition size: 5GIG

Thanks for any help
Insert your Windows 2000 Server CD and do an in-place "upgrade"
or repair install. This will select the correct multiprocessor HAL driver
for your system.

You will need to reinstall updates and service packs after you do this.

I advise you not to try changing the HAL type directly in device manager
as many potential hours of misery lie down that road.

Steve Duff, MCSE, MVP
Ergodic Systems, Inc.
Thanks, I will try your suggestion. I have already tried what the Soyo tech
support suggested which is list below.

After speaking with Soyo Tech. Support which is the maker of the
motherboard, they suggested that I re-install Windows 2000 Server and when
the install generates the following informational message:
"Press F6 if you need to install a third party scsi or RAID driver." That I
should press F5 to manually choose the correct Standard computer type. When
the list appears I should choose "ACPI Multiprocessor" selection. Well when
the list appeared the ACPI Multiprocessor selection was not an option.

I'll let you know how it turns out.


I finally installed Windows 2000 Server successfully recognizing the
Hyper-Threading enabled option. I forced the install to select the option
"ACPI Multiprocessor" by using the method F5 method during the install
process. Previously I said the option did not appear but it does you just
have to arrow up to the option. The list does not have a scroll bar so it
appears as though the list is complete.

Anyway thanks for all the help