Hartmut Schroth
I want to develop a VB.NET application for saving video
frames (e.g. from an AVI file) to a JPEG-file and want to
use the MediaDet object of DirectShow Editing Services for
The only code example I can find is the following script
in the DirectX help file:
Dim Det As New MediaDet
Const VideoGUID As String = "{73646976-0000-0010-8000-
bFoundVidStream = False
Det.FileName = "C:\Media\Example.avi"
' Look for a video stream.
For i = 0 To Det.OutputStreams - 1
Det.CurrentStream = i
StreamType = Det.StreamTypeB
If StrComp(StreamType, VideoGUID, vbTextCompare) = 0
bFoundVidStream = True
Exit For
End If
If bFoundVidStream Then
' Update the label with the duration.
VideoInfo.Caption = Det.FileName + ": " + Str
(Det.StreamLength) + " seconds"
' Load a poster frame.
TempFile = "C:\Temp.bmp"
Preview.ScaleMode = vbPixels ' Scale twips to pixels.
Det.WriteBitmapBits 0, Preview.ScaleWidth,
Preview.ScaleHeight, TempFile
Preview.Picture = LoadPicture(TempFile)
End If
My Problem now is: how can I access a MediaDet object in a
VB project? Which references do I have to declare? Are
there any other code or project examples for the use of
MediaDet objects in VB.NET?
Regards and thanks for help in advance
I want to develop a VB.NET application for saving video
frames (e.g. from an AVI file) to a JPEG-file and want to
use the MediaDet object of DirectShow Editing Services for
The only code example I can find is the following script
in the DirectX help file:
Dim Det As New MediaDet
Const VideoGUID As String = "{73646976-0000-0010-8000-
bFoundVidStream = False
Det.FileName = "C:\Media\Example.avi"
' Look for a video stream.
For i = 0 To Det.OutputStreams - 1
Det.CurrentStream = i
StreamType = Det.StreamTypeB
If StrComp(StreamType, VideoGUID, vbTextCompare) = 0
bFoundVidStream = True
Exit For
End If
If bFoundVidStream Then
' Update the label with the duration.
VideoInfo.Caption = Det.FileName + ": " + Str
(Det.StreamLength) + " seconds"
' Load a poster frame.
TempFile = "C:\Temp.bmp"
Preview.ScaleMode = vbPixels ' Scale twips to pixels.
Det.WriteBitmapBits 0, Preview.ScaleWidth,
Preview.ScaleHeight, TempFile
Preview.Picture = LoadPicture(TempFile)
End If
My Problem now is: how can I access a MediaDet object in a
VB project? Which references do I have to declare? Are
there any other code or project examples for the use of
MediaDet objects in VB.NET?
Regards and thanks for help in advance