How can I type a letter with the Russian cyrillic alphabet in Word



MacDomB said:
How can I type a letter with the Russian cyrillic alphabet
in Word?

For starters, you have to install a Russian keyboard from
the Control Panel. Have you done that?

Paul Gorodyansky

MacDomB said:
How can I type a letter with the Russian cyrillic alphabet in Word?

See step-by-step instruction in the
"Russian Keyboard: standard and phonetic" of my site.
It's even has a small chapter about Word at the end.

Paul Gorodyansky
"Cyrillic (Russian): instructions for Windows and Internet":
Russian On-screen Keyboard:


Sorry, Paul. Your instructions did not work. In fact they were hard to
follow and incomplete. Here's an easy one for you since you are an expert
and I am an idiot. When I installed Office 2003, where did my Cyrillic font
go? I had one called Cyrillic but it no longer exists.



Earl said:
Sorry, Paul. Your instructions did not work. In fact they were hard to
follow and incomplete.

It's a questionable opinion :)
Many other people think differently, here is just a couple of notes:
Here's an easy one for you since you are an expert
and I am an idiot. When I installed Office 2003, where did my Cyrillic font
go? I had one called Cyrillic but it no longer exists.

It means two things:

1) You just browsed and NOT read the _complete_ section of my
site called 'Russian *fonts* and encodings' -

it does explaine where your font go - it explains that
it did not go anywhere it's just MS Office, starting from
version 97 do NOT work anymore with non-Unicode non-MS
*very old*, made for Windows 3.1 (!) fonts

2) You did not read somehow the last chapter of the
Russian Keyboard section I suggested - while ti explains
how new Office works with fonts and keyboard tools -
for a user to be able to type in Russian.
Here is the direct link to that last chapter of that section:

Paul Gorodyansky
"Cyrillic (Russian): instructions for Windows and Internet":
Russian On-screen Keyboard:

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