How can I type a letter using the POLISH alphabet?



Do I need special software to type a letter using the POLISH alphabet.

Where can it be purchased and what is the approximate cost.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

You don't need to purchase anything to type in Polish, but you
probably do need to purchase the Proofing Tools CD appropriate to
your version of Office if you want to check spelling and grammar
in Polish.

If you plan to type a lot of Polish text, then see "How to enable
European language support for Word 2003 and Word 2002 on
computers that are running on Windows Server 2003, on Windows XP,
or on Windows 2000" for more information.

If you only need to type the occasional Polish alphabet
character, then it might be easier for you to follow the
instructions at .

Graham Mayor

You don't need special software. You may need to setup a Polish keyboard
from Windows regional settings and as you will be unlikely to have a Polish
keyboard you can put the Windows on screen keyboard on screen which will
show you where the special characters are mapped to. I use this as a
reminder when I occasionally type in Greek.

To open On-Screen Keyboard, click Start, point to All Programs, point to
Accessories, point to Accessibility, and then click On-Screen Keyboard.

If you want to spell check your work, from an English version of Word you'll
need the proofing tools

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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