How can I setup connection in visual softice

Jul 11, 2009
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Hi, every one!
I have encounted a problem when I was trying to set up debug envirment for two real PCs using visual softice. The host pc and the target pc are both running XP 32-bit sp2, and i followed the steps in offical manual "using visual softice".
1. Install DS 3.2 on both host pc and target pc.
2. Choose BOOT start mode on target end, and MANUAL on host end.
3. I set PCI Ethernet Network Interface Cards (NICs) on both computers, but it all fails. I can not see the target pc in Target Selector dialog, nor the other nodes in the lan, only host pc. Vice versa.
4. I tryed dedicated and universal nic mode, but neither worked.
Before i set up vsi, my two PCs are connected, and can see each other in win xp, but after that they could not.

I hope anyone can tell something about it.