How can I save my emoticons?


Giuseppe Marini

Hi everybody.
I know probably my question is not new, here, but I tried to search for some
infos on the net, but I found nothing usefull.
I have plenty of emoticons in my msn account, but in some days I have to
format my system, and I wanted to know if there is any program which backups
my images, emoticons, etc....
I tried MSN BackUp 1.1.7, but (unbelievable!!) it saves everithing BUT
emoticons!! It ignores emoticons and doesn't save them.
What can I do?


Giuseppe Marini said:
Hi everybody.
I know probably my question is not new, here, but I tried to search for
infos on the net, but I found nothing usefull.
I have plenty of emoticons in my msn account, but in some days I have to
format my system, and I wanted to know if there is any program which
my images, emoticons, etc....
I tried MSN BackUp 1.1.7, but (unbelievable!!) it saves everithing BUT
emoticons!! It ignores emoticons and doesn't save them.
What can I do?

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