*Harvesting Icons from A Windows OS without a 3rd Party Icon Harvester*
Just to add that this is a route toward harvesting hundreds of icons native
to a Windows operating system. Right click a shortcut> or a
folder>Properties>Change Icon Button>(or Modify in case of some
folders)>Browse>Change Icon Dialogue Box.
1) You can use the small icons in the system 32 folder to troll. Stretch
that folder to as large as you can . Behind many of them will be a cache of
icons both those with the .dll extention and without it. You have to just
try them all. For example, moricons.dll, pifmgr.dll, hiticons.dll,
shell32.dll are examples. This is one track.
2) Every other folder, especially installed program folders, even hidden
folders are game, and yield icons. System folders usually won't yield icons.
Never say never. Even hidden folders that are unhidden by the setting in
Explorer>Tools>Folder Options>View Tab>Show All Hidden Folders and Show
Windows Folders.
3) Use the pulldown at the top the "Look In" slot, to navigate as if it were
Windows Explorer, and go into every drive you have, and recently used
folders will show up for quick access at the "file name" pull up at the
bottom. Only so much room there; folders get bumped by newest.
Right click on an icon>properties>change icon . From that property box you
can search a lot of places, and when you open these folders, you will see
icons in many of them--some 5, some 20 or 30, some over 100. With some
icons, you have to hit the "customize button" first. Many of the iconnettes
in that shell32 folder have icons stashed in them, particularly the ones
with icons instead of bland manilla folders and many more of the .dlls have
them in that folder. When you get a minute search wherever you have some of
your programs, search the Microsoft Word>Word> and Microsoft Word>Outlook
for example folder or Win Media Player Folder or any Adobe program if you
have one or any Program folder (using the Rt. Click Properties route to
them) and using the "Look In" pull down at the top of the "Change Icons
Properties Dialogue Box" to get to them.
You can also get a number of icons by adding "favicon.ico" to a url, and
dragging it to the desktop. To keep it, you have to 1) change the name 2)
Drag it into a folder or clearing temporary internet files will clear your
new icon. You can then go the route above to apply this new "saved
Chad Harris