How can I protect website content & photos with frontpage 2003?

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Does anyone know of a way to protect website content (text and photos)? I
use front page 2003. I purchased a program from boojiejack, but it adds 2
headers and 2 footers to each page.

If possible I would like to find a program or coding source that I can add
to portions of my website. I would like to completely protect some pages,
and partially protect other pages. THANKS!
How do I stop people from downloading my graphics or code?
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| Does anyone know of a way to protect website content (text and photos)? I
| use front page 2003. I purchased a program from boojiejack, but it adds
| headers and 2 footers to each page.
| If possible I would like to find a program or coding source that I can add
| to portions of my website. I would like to completely protect some pages,
| and partially protect other pages. THANKS!
Get IrfanView or PictureShark, and watermark your images that are displayed.
That's the most effective thing you can do.

If you want to blast ahead, though, read this -

| Does anyone know of a way to protect website content (text and photos)? I
| use front page 2003. I purchased a program from boojiejack, but it adds
| headers and 2 footers to each page.
| If possible I would like to find a program or coding source that I can add
| to portions of my website. I would like to completely protect some pages,
| and partially protect other pages. THANKS!
bob said:
Get IrfanView or PictureShark, and watermark your images that are displayed.
That's the most effective thing you can do.

If you want to blast ahead, though, read this -

Those sites that give out the code are worst than those that use it! ...If
you really want to give out the code,, and if you really want to use it.
Give out the code that 'protects' the graphic not the whole page so at least
one can use the right click on the rest of the page.

The best reason NOT to use either code is not that it does not do the job,
but that it turns away visitors to your own site... that's the best reason
not to use it.

If you want to restrict who sees content password protect the files.


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Hi Tina,

That site has more than "The Code" (like it is a secret)

The bottom line is that if you put it on the www then it becomes (for some)
fair game! If they want it they will get it.

You might have missed...
Get IrfanView or PictureShark, and watermark your images that are displayed.
That's the most effective thing you can do.

| | > Get IrfanView or PictureShark, and watermark your images that are
| displayed.
| > That's the most effective thing you can do.
| >
| > If you want to blast ahead, though, read this -
| >
| >
| Those sites that give out the code are worst than those that use it! ...If
| you really want to give out the code,, and if you really want to use it.
| Give out the code that 'protects' the graphic not the whole page so at
| one can use the right click on the rest of the page.
| The best reason NOT to use either code is not that it does not do the job,
| but that it turns away visitors to your own site... that's the best reason
| not to use it.
| If you want to restrict who sees content password protect the files.
| Tina
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bob said:
Hi Tina,

That site has more than "The Code" (like it is a secret)

The bottom line is that if you put it on the www then it becomes (for some)
fair game! If they want it they will get it.

You might have missed...
Get IrfanView or PictureShark, and watermark your images that are displayed.
That's the most effective thing you can do.

I disagree, yes they will get it .. but if someone is so numpty as to use it
in the first place ... telling them about the image code instead of the page
code will at least let one use a right click on the page, possibly keep them
some visitors, and ethically it's the right thing to do...the more people
that do this the better, if that site had put the image code on instead of
the page code, then you point to it in here... all those that don't care a
fig and will still use .... and so on and so on etc etc etc....

I subscribe to the ethical answer method, don't give out info that will
harm, eventually with enough experience people realise what they nearly did
or have been doing and so on and so on etc etc....

I was addressing a specific point I know all the myriad ways around the
codes and all the ways to confuse 'but not stop' newbie's as to 'getting'
images etc.... the other links given specially James huggins site more than
covered that stuff.

I'm an artist and have an art site I don't bother to 'protect' the images I
use to display my originals, firstly because the quality is not good enough
for anyone to use them, but lets the visitor see a good enough quality for
viewing what they would be getting, and watermarking them interferes with
that plus it's an extra step in the involved process of preparing them.
However, I can see others in certain cases need to obstruct thieves, in that
case the best way forward is to use a watermark program, If one has
Photoshop one can use that as well.

Now if I've gotton you to email that site owner and get him to change out
the code to the image one, and for you to give out that image code after
trying hard to dissuade the questioner against using it in the future I'll
have done something towards improving matters.. and if you do the same and
so on and so etc etc etc. Mmmmm? and I'm talking to the converted here all
ready .. do you reckon my chances are good? <smile>

It may be like banging your head against a brick wall but it's no excuse for
not trying ;)

I can solve the problem by never posting here again!

It seems that my answers are not worthy of this news group.
I will spend my time and efforts elsewhere.

| | > Hi Tina,
| >
| > That site has more than "The Code" (like it is a secret)
| >
| > The bottom line is that if you put it on the www then it becomes (for
| some)
| > fair game! If they want it they will get it.
| >
| > You might have missed...
| > Get IrfanView or PictureShark, and watermark your images that are
| displayed.
| > That's the most effective thing you can do.
| >
| I disagree, yes they will get it .. but if someone is so numpty as to use
| in the first place ... telling them about the image code instead of the
| code will at least let one use a right click on the page, possibly keep
| some visitors, and ethically it's the right thing to do...the more people
| that do this the better, if that site had put the image code on instead of
| the page code, then you point to it in here... all those that don't care a
| fig and will still use .... and so on and so on etc etc etc....
| I subscribe to the ethical answer method, don't give out info that will
| harm, eventually with enough experience people realise what they nearly
| or have been doing and so on and so on etc etc....
| I was addressing a specific point I know all the myriad ways around the
| codes and all the ways to confuse 'but not stop' newbie's as to 'getting'
| images etc.... the other links given specially James huggins site more
| covered that stuff.
| I'm an artist and have an art site I don't bother to 'protect' the images
| use to display my originals, firstly because the quality is not good
| for anyone to use them, but lets the visitor see a good enough quality for
| viewing what they would be getting, and watermarking them interferes with
| that plus it's an extra step in the involved process of preparing them.
| However, I can see others in certain cases need to obstruct thieves, in
| case the best way forward is to use a watermark program, If one has
| Photoshop one can use that as well.
| Now if I've gotton you to email that site owner and get him to change out
| the code to the image one, and for you to give out that image code after
| trying hard to dissuade the questioner against using it in the future I'll
| have done something towards improving matters.. and if you do the same and
| so on and so etc etc etc. Mmmmm? and I'm talking to the converted here all
| ready .. do you reckon my chances are good? <smile>
| It may be like banging your head against a brick wall but it's no excuse
| not trying ;)
| Tina

Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Gave the same link that I did..... So go jump on him too!

Is the same as...

Last post

|I can solve the problem by never posting here again!
| It seems that my answers are not worthy of this news group.
| I will spend my time and efforts elsewhere.
| bob
| ||
|| || > Hi Tina,
|| >
|| > That site has more than "The Code" (like it is a secret)
|| >
|| > The bottom line is that if you put it on the www then it becomes (for
|| some)
|| > fair game! If they want it they will get it.
|| >
|| > You might have missed...
|| > Get IrfanView or PictureShark, and watermark your images that are
|| displayed.
|| > That's the most effective thing you can do.
|| >
|| I disagree, yes they will get it .. but if someone is so numpty as to use
| it
|| in the first place ... telling them about the image code instead of the
| page
|| code will at least let one use a right click on the page, possibly keep
| them
|| some visitors, and ethically it's the right thing to do...the more people
|| that do this the better, if that site had put the image code on instead
|| the page code, then you point to it in here... all those that don't care
|| fig and will still use .... and so on and so on etc etc etc....
|| I subscribe to the ethical answer method, don't give out info that will
|| harm, eventually with enough experience people realise what they nearly
| did
|| or have been doing and so on and so on etc etc....
|| I was addressing a specific point I know all the myriad ways around the
|| codes and all the ways to confuse 'but not stop' newbie's as to 'getting'
|| images etc.... the other links given specially James huggins site more
| than
|| covered that stuff.
|| I'm an artist and have an art site I don't bother to 'protect' the images
| I
|| use to display my originals, firstly because the quality is not good
| enough
|| for anyone to use them, but lets the visitor see a good enough quality
|| viewing what they would be getting, and watermarking them interferes with
|| that plus it's an extra step in the involved process of preparing them.
|| However, I can see others in certain cases need to obstruct thieves, in
| that
|| case the best way forward is to use a watermark program, If one has
|| Photoshop one can use that as well.
|| Now if I've gotton you to email that site owner and get him to change out
|| the code to the image one, and for you to give out that image code after
|| trying hard to dissuade the questioner against using it in the future
|| have done something towards improving matters.. and if you do the same
|| so on and so etc etc etc. Mmmmm? and I'm talking to the converted here
|| ready .. do you reckon my chances are good? <smile>
|| It may be like banging your head against a brick wall but it's no excuse
| for
|| not trying ;)
|| Tina
bob said:
I can solve the problem by never posting here again!

It seems that my answers are not worthy of this news group.
I will spend my time and efforts elsewhere.

From a personal view point, if they are going to be the same one's please
don't. (she said with little hope)

Again from a personal viewpoint that was not the reaction I was looking
for.. I expected either a devout stance on the right to give out the right
click code, or an agreement.

Well, well I didn't know blokes were that sensitive to fair discussion, I'll
be sure to appreciate the fairer sex next time I wish to disagree with
someone else's opinions, you poor thing, I truly feel sorry for you, I'll be
sure to try and not disagree with anything you say in future if it upsets
you that much, as for everyone else.. well it's a big world out there and
someone else is bound to disagree with your point of view once more, so be
prepared for it my dear.

Have a nice day now!
