How can I merge 2 access databases?



I have an access database that has, somehow, split itself. We didn't create
this second instance--I think it was the result of some database error.
However, now there are entries in one that are not in the other. I need to
merge the two so we have just one version again. Is there an easy way to do
this? Thanks in advance!

Jeff Boyce

Define "easy" ... for whom? With what kind of experience?

"How" depends on "what" -- what data structure are you using? If you have a
relational database set up, and have tables with one-to-many relationships,
trying to append the records from DB2 into the corresponding table in DB1
could mess up your primary keys ... if you have them, if ...

One approach, if oversimplified, would be to open DB1, link to the same
tables in DB2, then build one/more queries that append records from DB2
table(s) into DB1 table(s). Of course, you'd need to first find out which
records are in the DB2 table(s) and not in the DB1 table(s).

You'd use a query (unmatched - see query wizard) to find those first, then
append those.

Or, if you aren't worrying about whether record # 12345 in DB2 was altered,
requiring record # 12345 in DB1 to be updated, and if your tables enforce
unique primary keys, you might be able to simply try appending DB2 table
records to the corresponding DB1 table ... any existing primary key would
NOT be overwritten, but you will get an error message explaining that.

So, you tell us, is that "simple"?

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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