how can i map LPT1 based on the machine

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dennis
  • Start date Start date


I have tried to use a startup script (.bat file) under a
group policy to use net use to map a port. When I start
the computer, the script runs and the net use command is
successful but when a user logg into that machine, the
mapping is gone. An Ideas why?
It sounds like you are running your script at "startup" instead of "logon".
Mappings are per user and should therefore you need to run the script when
the user logs on rather then when the macine starts up. Try applying your
script through a group policy that is applyed on the OU where your user is

Good luck


Niclas Lindblom

I have users that Travel from building to building. I
want the printers to be mapped by machine no not by user.

Is that possible though policies?
To my knowledge this is not possible through group policies. You could do
this through a script that you apply from a group policy. The prerequsite
for this to work would be if you have something that identifies the
different buildings, so you could build a conditional statement to determine
what printer to map. This identification could be for example a Subnet if
each building is using a separate VLAN, or you could create a group for each
printer and add the computers that you want mapped to this printer to this

Let me know if you need a sample script for how to do this.


Niclas Lindblom