how can i manipulate a check box in another process

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i want to manipulate a check box in another process,how can i get it
the check box in the process A,developed by C#
now i want to manipulate the check box in other application developed by MFC
as the usually,i sendmessage BM_SETCHECK from the MFC application to the checkbox of a C#

application,but it respond nothing
but i send message from MFC application to another MFC application ,it work right
what can i do
thanks very much.
NiN said:
i want to manipulate a check box in another process,how can i get it?
the check box in the process A,developed by C#.
now i want to manipulate the check box in other application developed by MFC,
as the usually,i sendmessage BM_SETCHECK from the MFC application to the checkbox of a C#

application,but it respond nothing.
but i send message from MFC application to another MFC application ,it work right.
what can i do?
thanks very much.

Why not have process B send a message process A politely asking it to change
the checkbox? You can use .NET remoting for this purpose.

The checkbox belongs to process A, and process B shouldn't be making
assumptions about it.
thanks John Saunders
But i can use it in the other contorl such as button,edit,systreecontrol,and so on
why the checkbox could not respond the message for checkbox (BM_GETCHECK,BM_SETCHECK)
can anyone tell me about it
NiN said:
thanks John Saunders.
But i can use it in the other contorl such as
button,edit,systreecontrol,and so on.
why the checkbox could not respond the message for checkbox (BM_GETCHECK,BM_SETCHECK);
can anyone tell me about it!

I'm sure you can use it in other controls, but that doesn't make it a good
idea. This is exactly the kind of hack you should try not to do in .NET.