G Guest Jun 27, 2006 #1 Dear Sir: I have a question. How can I know the OS type XP profession ox XP embedded? David
Z Zirong Wang Jun 28, 2006 #2 sorry, this is the right thread: how about test the env var %RUNTIMESKUCODE% Zirong
Z Zirong Wang Jun 29, 2006 #4 I am very surprised by your question. anyway, in a .bat script, you can use: --------------- if /I "%RUNTIMESKUCODE%"=="" ( echo XP Professional ) else ( echo XP embedded ) in C, getenv
I am very surprised by your question. anyway, in a .bat script, you can use: --------------- if /I "%RUNTIMESKUCODE%"=="" ( echo XP Professional ) else ( echo XP embedded ) in C, getenv