6 months sounds suspiciously like an Archive setting, if you right click the
Calendar Folder and select Properties and then AutoArchive what do you see
Thank you for response - when you say r-click the "Calendar folder" - what do
you mean? Every time I click on the calendar icon, it opens the calendar
Sorry - you were absolutely right. Having unchecked the archive option, it
says that my expired items were archived to a folder in my document and
settings which I can't seem to find(it had a microsoft outlook icon by the
floder disply). Where do they usually go??
One in the Calendar and assuming you are using Outlook 2003 right click on
where it says Calendar (on the left hand side near the top) and choose
Properties, alternately select the Folder list from the GO menu and then
right click on the Calendar
They go into a file called Archive.pst and you can get to this by going to
(in Outlook) File || Open || Outlook Data File || you should see the Archive
file. This will when you select it be placed into your Folder list and you
will probably need to scroll down, if you want the items back in your
mailbox Calendar then highlight the Calendar folder under Archive go to the
View || Arrange By || Current View || by Category || then select the items
that you want and from the Edit menu use Move (or Copy) to folder and then
select your Calendar folder in your mailbox. To remove (not Delete) the
Archive set of folders in the Folder List then right click on it and choose