My problem is :
I am trying to join multiple tables and list the only needed fields in the
query result
the query takes less time if I join the tables wihout specifying any fields
from the joined tables
Iexplain :
The below query takes more times (all fields selected from all tables)
FROM T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN T2 on <joined condition>
T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN T3 on <joined condition>
than the query that selects only the fields from the table T1
FROM T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN T2 on <joined condition>
T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN T3 on <joined condition>
My question is how to solve such case since I have to select fields from
more than one tables
I tried the view ....no satisfied response time....
and I am using SQL 2003 & SQL 2005
Thanks for your answer,
Najatte A.
Lebanon - Development Department
My problem is :
I am trying to join multiple tables and list the only needed fields in the
query result
the query takes less time if I join the tables wihout specifying any fields
from the joined tables
Iexplain :
The below query takes more times (all fields selected from all tables)
FROM T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN T2 on <joined condition>
T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN T3 on <joined condition>
than the query that selects only the fields from the table T1
FROM T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN T2 on <joined condition>
T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN T3 on <joined condition>
My question is how to solve such case since I have to select fields from
more than one tables
I tried the view ....no satisfied response time....
and I am using SQL 2003 & SQL 2005
Thanks for your answer,
Najatte A.
Lebanon - Development Department