How can I identify the two lowest values in a row?



I am a teaching assistant and maintain a spreadsheet for grades. I remove
the two lowest homework grades manually within each student's row. Surely,
there is a way to identify those two lowest values with a formula...


Hi Jaysmith80

Depending on what you really want to do I can see at least two ways to
approach your question
1) if you want the total of a row of numbers excluding the two lowest one
formula you can use is

(assuming that the numbers are in the range A1:J1)

2) if you want the lowest two values on each row highlighted you can use
conditional formatting (based on the assumption that the student values are
in the rows A1:J8)
- highlight the rows from A1 to J8, ensuring that A1 is the active cell
- choose format / conditional formatting
- change "cell value is" to "formula is"
- in the big white line type

- click on the format button, choose font colour (or whatever) for the
lowest values to be displayed in.
- click OK twice, and the two lowest values should now be formatted

hope this helps.


julied at hctsReMoVeThIs dot net dot au


Wow! Thanks so much. That is really helpful. You don't want to know how
much time you saved me.



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