The following appears a few times at the bottom of the web page I've created.
How can I hide it?
How can I hide it?
a said:My guess is that it is intended to be a comment, (which will be ignored
by the brower when it renders the page).
In Frontpage, select the "Code" view (in the tabs at the bottom of the page)
Find the offending <!endif-->
Insert two hyphens after the ! - so that it looks like
<!-- endif -->
The following appears a few times at the bottom of the web page I've created.
How can I hide it?
Just tried it with Foxfire, can't see the endif. Looks like you found theBogeypar said:Thank you very much for your effort to help. I tried to make the change
you suggested but I did not cause the entry to not appear. If you would
to see what I mean scroll to the bottom of the opening page of this web
Thank you very much for your effort to help. I tried to make the change as
you suggested but I did not cause the entry to not appear. If you would like
to see what I mean scroll to the bottom of the opening page of this web site:
My guess is that it is intended to be a comment, (which will be ignored
by the brower when it renders the page).
In Frontpage, select the "Code" view (in the tabs at the bottom of the page)
Find the offending <!endif-->
Insert two hyphens after the ! - so that it looks like
<!-- endif -->
The following appears a few times at the bottom of the web page I've created.
How can I hide it?
Thank you very much for your effort to help. I tried to make the change as
you suggested but I did not cause the entry to not appear. If you would like
to see what I mean scroll to the bottom of the opening page of this web site:
My guess is that it is intended to be a comment, (which will be ignored
by the brower when it renders the page).
In Frontpage, select the "Code" view (in the tabs at the bottom of the page)
Find the offending <!endif-->
Insert two hyphens after the ! - so that it looks like
<!-- endif -->
The following appears a few times at the bottom of the web page I've created.
How can I hide it?