How can I geta MathType button at top of PowPoint, not in QA?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Klye
  • Start date Start date


I want to have an easy to access button in PowerPoint to insert a Math type
button. In an older version of PPt, I customized my buttons for this
purpose. I want to do the same thing in PPT 2007, but I can't see how to do
except puting it in the Quick access bar, which I don't want to do.

Can anyone help?
If you have MathType 6, and you install MathType after you install
Office, MathType will add a MathType tab to the Ribbons in both
PowerPoint and Word. If you don't have MathType 6, you won't get the
tab. If you do have MathType 6, and you upgraded Office after you
installed MathType, reinstalling MathType will add the tab to the

Bob Mathews
Director of Training
Design Science, Inc.
bobm at
FREE fully-functional 30-day evaluation of MathType
MathType, MathFlow, MathPlayer, MathDaisy, WebEQ, Equation Editor
Oh, awesome, that's even better!

(Duh, I should have known the add-in would add its buttons....)