how can i get the list of installed programs in CMD.exe

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i usually get the information about installed program in "ADD/REMOVE
but, how can i get the list of installed programs in CMD.exe.
is something in Resource kit ?

thank you


i usually get the information about installed program in "ADD/REMOVE
but, how can i get the list of installed programs in CMD.exe.
is something in Resource kit ?

thank you


This works for me (all on one line):

for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %i in ('reg query HKLM\Software
\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall /s ^|findstr /R
"\<DisplayName"') do @echo %i

It uses reg.exe from the Resource Kit. The spaces after delims= is a
tab. I have been using this recently in my login script for some
software auditing.
Jerold Schulman schrieb:
See tip 4160 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at

Hello Jerold,

you have a quite impressive compilation of tips on your website.
I'm wondering why you urge everybody who wants to follow, has to
click from your homepage to the wanted tip. It would be much easier
if you posted a direct link like

Especially the tip 4160 includes examples with features of the for
command not available with the os versions requiring the .bat ex-
tension. The .cmd is more appropriate then I think.


PS: No offense,just suggestions ;-)

Jerold is such a kind hearted person
and he does this care giving continuously
why don't you learn how to better your self
by doing, say 10 for one
Help 10 who need it and you'll understand
I try to give an hour a day to others so that
I benefit by learning what these great gentlemen and ladies
are doing
Not gripping you out as my grand kids say.

I respect you
and wish you well,

good computing,
to see what any of these folks do run a search for their handle in the "from" box

Jerold Schulman schrieb:
See tip 4160 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at

Hello Jerold,

you have a quite impressive compilation of tips on your website.
I'm wondering why you urge everybody who wants to follow, has to
click from your homepage to the wanted tip. It would be much easier
if you posted a direct link like

Especially the tip 4160 includes examples with features of the for
command not available with the os versions requiring the .bat ex-
tension. The .cmd is more appropriate then I think.


PS: No offense,just suggestions ;-)
Thanks Jerold
Sorry for the noise..



Jerold is such a kind hearted person
and he does this care giving continuously
why don't you learn how to better your self
by doing, say 10 for one
Help 10 who need it and you'll understand
I try to give an hour a day to others so that
I benefit by learning what these great gentlemen and ladies
are doing
Not gripping you out as my grand kids say.

I respect you
and wish you well,

good computing,
to see what any of these folks do run a search for their handle in the "from" box

Jerold Schulman schrieb:
See tip 4160 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at

Hello Jerold,

you have a quite impressive compilation of tips on your website.
I'm wondering why you urge everybody who wants to follow, has to
click from your homepage to the wanted tip. It would be much easier
if you posted a direct link like

Especially the tip 4160 includes examples with features of the for
command not available with the os versions requiring the .bat ex-
tension. The .cmd is more appropriate then I think.


PS: No offense,just suggestions ;-)
Jerold Schulman schrieb:

Hello Jerold,

you have a quite impressive compilation of tips on your website.
I'm wondering why you urge everybody who wants to follow, has to
click from your homepage to the wanted tip.

He wants people to buy from his web site.

Clay Calvert
(e-mail address removed)
Replace "W" with "L"

You have right to your opinion. I personally thing Jerold does a hell of a job.
That's just my opinion.

thankg od someone else makes noise besides me,

Jerold Schulman schrieb:

Hello Jerold,

you have a quite impressive compilation of tips on your website.
I'm wondering why you urge everybody who wants to follow, has to
click from your homepage to the wanted tip.

He wants people to buy from his web site.

Clay Calvert
(e-mail address removed)
Replace "W" with "L"
If you must know, I am also trying to pay my bills, so if I start people at my
home page, maybe 1 in 10,000 will visit my catalog.

Jerold Schulman schrieb:

Hello Jerold,

you have a quite impressive compilation of tips on your website.
I'm wondering why you urge everybody who wants to follow, has to
click from your homepage to the wanted tip. It would be much easier
if you posted a direct link like

Especially the tip 4160 includes examples with features of the for
command not available with the os versions requiring the .bat ex-
tension. The .cmd is more appropriate then I think.


PS: No offense,just suggestions ;-)

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.
Jerold said:
If you must know, I am also trying to pay my bills, so if I start
people at my home page, maybe 1 in 10,000 will visit my catalog.
That is of course a reasonable point. We all have to pay our bills.
I think your expertise speaks for you and your services.
A more handy way to participate from your knowledge won't keep the
one from 10000 to be interested in your offerings.

I prefer the more direct access (from your tip 6000)

Matthias Tacke said:
That is of course a reasonable point. We all have to pay our bills.
I think your expertise speaks for you and your services.
A more handy way to participate from your knowledge won't keep the
one from 10000 to be interested in your offerings.

I prefer the more direct access (from your tip 6000)

Ahhh, convenience, what a wonderful thing. People post here (for free) with
real problems needing real solutions. Jerold, who makes a living doing this
stuff, gives away solutions for free. Well, not for free, really, he does it
in such a way that the needy poster has to register a couple extra mouse
clicks. I bleed for any person who is in so much of a hurry that he cannot
appreciate what he is getting here.

Anyway, the poster also learns a number of other things on the way to the
indicated tip:

- how to navigate Jerold's site;
- how extensive a (free) resource it is; and
- possibly finds answers to other problems he has yet to ask about.

In addition, Jerold has already given him the tip number most closely
related to the problem in question.

Yes, I am all for convenience. But not at the expense of the benefits noted
above, both to people like Jerold, and to people who benefit from their

Shouldn't it be schreib?

No. "He wrote" = "er schrieb".

"Schreib" is imperative, "write!".
Ray nach Hause
That should probably be: "Ray zu Hause". "nach Hause" means "to home".

I suspect Matthias's English is much better that your German.
That is of course a reasonable point. We all have to pay our bills.
I think your expertise speaks for you and your services.
A more handy way to participate from your knowledge won't keep the
one from 10000 to be interested in your offerings.

I prefer the more direct access (from your tip 6000)


I'll try the following for a few days and measure the site activity:

see tip 4160 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at, or the short link,

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.
Eegs! Thanks Michael. Ich habe keine Deutsche in zehn Jahren gesprechen.
Uh, oder etwas... ;]

Ray zu hause