pavan said:
i have deleted some important files that i have deleted accidentally..
please help me out guys....
If you indeed used shift + delete, then the files bypassed the recycle bin.
If you have been using the computer since you deleted them, then your
chances of recovering them are questionable. If you really need the data,
immediately shut off the computer and remove it from the mains. Look in
your local phone book for "Data Recovery Services". Be forewarned; even a
relatively simple data recovery job will cost several hundred dollars; if
you have used the computer since the deletion, and the data must be
reconstructed manually, the price tag could run into the thousands.
Each second your computer is on, the less likely it is that you will be able
to successfully recover all of the data.
Also be advised that Data Recovery Services are legally bound with regard to
the data they will/can recover. If the data is illegal (copyrighted movies,
"cracked" software/wares, pornography), then it will not be recovered and
you may be reported to law enforcement.
Perhaps in the future you will remember that the Recycle Bin is a useful
feature which should not be bypassed.