If you are getting big page number on your Excel spreadsheet you are probably in page layout view. Change to normal view by selecting "Normal" from the View menu.
challaprabh wrote:
Hi,Mimic a watermark in Excel and also delete water mark in Excel.
Mimic a watermark in Excel and also delete water mark in Excel
Watermark functionality is not available in Excel. If you want to display a
graphic on every printed page (for example, to indicate that the information
is confidential), you can insert the graphic in a header or footer. This way,
the graphic appears behind the text, starting at the top or bottom of every
page. You can also resize or scale it to fill the page
On the View menu, click Header and Footer.
In the Page Setup dialog box, click Custom Header or Custom Footer.
Click in the Left section, Center section, or Right section box.
In the row of buttons in the Header or Footer dialog box, click Insert
Picture and then find the graphic you want to insert.
Double-click the graphic to insert it in the header or footer section box.
To resize or scale the graphic, click Format Picture in the row of buttons
in the Header or Footer dialog box and then, in the Format Picture dialog
box, select the options you want on the Size tab.
Changes to the graphic or graphic format take place immediately and can't be
If you want to add blank space above or below a graphic, click before or
after &[Picture], and then press ENTER to start a new line
To replace a graphic, select &[Picture], click Insert Picture , and then
click Replace.
Before printing, make sure the header or footer margin allows enough space
for the custom header or footer
To delete a graphic, select &[Picture] and then press DELETE
Challa Prabh
Previous Posts In This Thread:
How can I get rid of a watermark on an Excel spreadsheet?
How can I get rid of a watermark on an Excel spreadsheet?
If the "watermark" is displayed as"Page 1" "Page 2" ... etc.
If the "watermark" is displayed a
"Page 1" "Page 2" ... etc., you are in "Page Break View", try
<View> <Normal
Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit
Hi,Mimic a watermark in Excel and also delete water mark in Excel.
Mimic a watermark in Excel and also delete water mark in Excel
Watermark functionality is not available in Excel. If you want to display a
graphic on every printed page (for example, to indicate that the information
is confidential), you can insert the graphic in a header or footer. This way,
the graphic appears behind the text, starting at the top or bottom of every
page. You can also resize or scale it to fill the page
On the View menu, click Header and Footer.
In the Page Setup dialog box, click Custom Header or Custom Footer.
Click in the Left section, Center section, or Right section box.
In the row of buttons in the Header or Footer dialog box, click Insert
Picture and then find the graphic you want to insert.
Double-click the graphic to insert it in the header or footer section box.
To resize or scale the graphic, click Format Picture in the row of buttons
in the Header or Footer dialog box and then, in the Format Picture dialog
box, select the options you want on the Size tab.
Changes to the graphic or graphic format take place immediately and can't be
If you want to add blank space above or below a graphic, click before or
after &[Picture], and then press ENTER to start a new line
To replace a graphic, select &[Picture], click Insert Picture , and then
click Replace.
Before printing, make sure the header or footer margin allows enough space
for the custom header or footer.
To delete a graphic, select &[Picture] and then press DELETE.
Challa Prabhu
Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
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