A control is a text box, combo box, label, line, etc. on a form or report.
A control can be bound to (linked to) a field in a table or query, or it can
be unbound. Access starts with tables and their relationships to other
tables. Without knowing about your database structure it is impossible to
offer any advice.
I do have to say that based on your questions I suspect you are quite near
the beginning of the learning curve. If so, you would do well to step back
from a project until you have had some time to study the program. While it
is possible to get results out of Word or even Excel by poking around until
you get something to sort of work, you cannot do that with Access. It is
not intuitive.
A place you could start investigating Access would be at
http://office.microsoft.com/. Follow the training link. You could also do
a newsgroup search for "Access tutorial" or "Access Book" to see other