How can i do this?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JEM
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My students make presentations twice a year. They use
projectors to display visuals. When taping them, there is
an issue with ambient light washing out the visuals
projected on the screen. Rather than trying to catch some
acceptable balence between proper lighting an capturing
what is projected on the screen, I did the following: 1.
I shot only the students, close up and well lit without
the images projected on the screen. 2. I scanned the
visuals and made .jpegs of them. Here's what I'd like to
do. Put the presentation (close up of student speaking)
on the time line. Video starts with student on screen
speaking - then, while still using the same audio, insert
the .jpeg on the time line with the original sound track
as the audio - Switching between the student and .jpeg
images alternately.

Since I'm new at this, and I'm only guessing here - I
don't think I want to trim the clips, because I want to
keep the audion synced. So how should I do this? Drag the
audion to the audio / music track? Put the images in the
overlay track?

Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated!

Oh well, did the tough stuff in Premeire - imported the
files back to MM2 for the frosting... Still wonder if
it's possible in MM2, though...
So how should I do this? Drag

You were just about spot-on.... do it but with the images on the video
track. The overlay track is just for titling effects.

You can do it easily in MM2.
Thanks PJ, read your book maybe that's why! :-)

So that means I have to trim the clip or cut the clip
several or something. Well in that case, I won't ask if
there is a simple way but what the most logical way is to
do it... I'll guess again

Just look at the following:
S= Student, V=Visual

This is the video of my student, it's 90 seconds.

I want it to look like this:

So if I adjust the trim points on the clip, and then
insert the visual as in the example above, I'd just use
the same clip 5 times and adjust the trim points
alternating Student and video (keeping the audio on the
music track - turing down the music in the video track to
avoid sync problems)?
Just a thought while we are on this topic... For future
versions of MM how about suggesting A/B video-audio
tracks? As I mentioned before, I did the task in Premeire
using A/B video tracks - placing the (Student)Video in
track A and the Visuals in B and rendered the time line
without having to trim the clips or adjust the audio.

Anyway, I prefer MM to Premeire for it's simplicity of
use. Just a few more features and I'd have almost no
reason to use Premeire, except for Chroma Key, Mattes,
and animation. A blessing!

I've been using Premeire for a few years now and although
I like it a lot, it's always raised hell with my
computers - locking up, freezing, crashing, messing up my
OS. (And I have good equipment, too!)

Just recently we started to use MM to make training films
and the production for simple stuff had cut down
production time by 50% vs. Premeire! IMHO, A/B tracks
would put it over the top.
Yes. It might be easier if you set the trim points for the first of the SSSS
clips on the timeline (the video one), put in the first vvvvv, and then
copy/paste the first SSSS clip. The pasted copy will have the same trim
points as the original and you can just kind of slide the trim points to new
places.... Then copy/paste it over and over until you're done using that
SSSSSS clip.

You've got it down fine....

Yup, I still use Premiere also. When I had MM1 I used it for maybe 5% of my
needs. With MM2 I use it about 1% or less.

Something needs to be good entry-level software... like MM2 and iMovie are.

If Microsoft moves into developing higher level software, it might be better
to sell a different product.... while maintaining the entry-level Movie
Maker app. I'll be at Microsoft for a couple days next week, and one of the
things I'm interested in finding out is if they want to move into making
higher-level video editing software.

The A/B video track idea is one of the features that people would expect in
higher end software.

Thanks for the reply PJ. I agree, MM2 is GREAT entry
level, better than any others I've used. A Jump to A/B
editing would be worth an 'upgrade price' something like
a 'plus pack' ($25-100 or $100-150). I don't know exacly
which price point would work, but without other features
that are included in 'Pro' software like Premeire, don't
think it'd be worth much more, and I don't think MS wants
to go head to head with Adobe.....
Then again.... :-)