Bruce Sinclair
How can I do this using MS Excel ?
I am NOT technical.
Mail Merging / Demerging capabilities...
a). I need to add to my list of email addressses from time to
time. I need to make sure that I do not send an email to a person
that I sent an email to earlier.
b). So I am hoping that Excel is capable of merging new lists
with the old lists and I can highlight the duplicates
in the NEW list so I do not send these folks emails again.
c). After this, I am hoping that Excel is capable of DE-MERGING so
I can send emails only to the folks in the new list that have not been
contacted earlier in my earlier lists.
How can I do this using Excel ?
Is there any quick way to mark the entire old list as "sent"
collectively without having to individually go to each email and
typing in sent in a column next to it.
Can anyone PLEASE HELP me.
Once again I am not technical.
Seems to me that if you include a date field with the email in the data, you
can easily control who gets what by using the query (those before a certain
date, those after a certain date or the whole lot). Someone else may be able
to say whether this will do what you want or not.