(how) Can I do this graph?


Thomas Andersson


I've been fiddling about scratching my head and I just can't get what I want
so hopefully someone here can help.

The data I have are 1 column with timestamps, 1 with force type, 1 with
force strength.
The events I'm tracking runs for two hours with diminishing force strength
over time.
What I want is to track each force type separately over time (horizontal)
showing each incidents strength (vertical). I can set it up with one line
with the average force over time, but not with the types separated into
different lines.
Also the horizonatal marks become the timestamps, I want a fixed timeline
horizontal with timestamps properly plotted allong it.

Any advice on how to do this if at all possible?


Lori Miller

Try to split the force types out by column with a PivotTable:
Put time as a row field, force type as column field, and streng as data field.
You can now copy and paste values and use the chart wizard on this layout.

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