how can I disable Downloading in XP home edition?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephen
  • Start date Start date


I have a 12-year-old brother, whose computer was recently
infected with a virus. I reinstalled Windows XP Home
Edition and everything works fine now, but to prevent him
from messing too much with the system, how can I prevent
the ability ti download applications, .exes, screensavers
from, download managers, etc. Except for
things like .jpegs, and individal mp3s, along with
browsing the internet and Email, how can I block the rest
of it so he won't have the option of right-clicking and
saving an .exe file (with potential spyware or a virus)
and installing a download manager that will install a
program as well? This is a feature my ISP does not have
and if the solution is part of the Internet
Explorer's "Tools" menu, that would be the first thing
he'd probably uncheck. Thank you to anybody who
responds. Thank you for your time and thank you in
advance for your reply.
Make him run as a "Limited User" instead of as a "Computer Administrator".
For more info, see the following:

Why you shouldn't run as admin...

The easiest way to run as non-admin
This is the really important one for your non-techie friends and
relatives ...

and other related posts on my blog all about why you shouldn't run as a
"Computer Administrator" (except for actual administrative tasks) and
tips/tricks/workarounds/etc to get around some of the inconveniences.


-- Aaron