how can i convert jar?

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i want to use jcla to convert java,but there are many jars in the
solution,how can i convert jar to class library?
i have converted a solution ,but there are many problems. for example:
i can't find "org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer"
“org.xml.sax.ContentHandler is not changed"
what i need to do anything else?--
unzip the jar, and run jcla on the uncompressed class?
although I tryed JCLA only once to convert swing, I realize there are a few
problem which render conversion of big librairy unrealistic:

- embeded property file: doesn'ty work the same (particularly loading code)
- class loader code don't export (=> problem with resource)
- Class.byName() (or somethig like that don't remember) doens't work as the
class look-up mechanisme is completely different...
Hello study,study,

I may be way off where, but Im going to guess that 3rd party libraries, such
as Lucene and the SAX APIs will not cleanly convert.

Note that there is a Lucene.NET implementation, as well as a SAX implementation,
but you will probably need to do some stuff manually.