Allen Maki
Hi Everybody,
I am new to VC.NET and I need your help.
I would like the array to print characters as '.'s (dots) instead of 0s as
in (see below in front of //------>>>>>.
I tried to use casting like this:
multArray2[m,n] = int ('.');
If these are confusing. My question is how to use multidimensional array to
print characters instead of int
//Declare loop counters
int m,n,o;
//Create multidimensional array of int32s
Int32 multArray2[,] = new Int32[6,7];
//Fill the array with value
for (m=0; m<multArray2->GetLength(0); m++)
for (n=0; n<multArray2->GetLength(1); n++)
//--------->>>>> multArray2[m,n] = 0 ;
I am new to VC.NET and I need your help.
I would like the array to print characters as '.'s (dots) instead of 0s as
in (see below in front of //------>>>>>.
I tried to use casting like this:
multArray2[m,n] = int ('.');
If these are confusing. My question is how to use multidimensional array to
print characters instead of int
//Declare loop counters
int m,n,o;
//Create multidimensional array of int32s
Int32 multArray2[,] = new Int32[6,7];
//Fill the array with value
for (m=0; m<multArray2->GetLength(0); m++)
for (n=0; n<multArray2->GetLength(1); n++)
//--------->>>>> multArray2[m,n] = 0 ;