Started to make an .xml file to be used by asp:XmlDataSource like so:
<asp:Literal Mode ="PassThrough" ID="lblLastName" runat="server"
Text='<%#XPath("Header")%>' />
Now I realize that <h4>, for example, looks like an XML tag rather than the
HTML tag I wanted.
How can I construct an XML file to contain HTML tags in the data for the
Literal element?
The xml file:
some text.
more text. <br />
more text <br />
more text</p>
<asp:Literal Mode ="PassThrough" ID="lblLastName" runat="server"
Text='<%#XPath("Header")%>' />
Now I realize that <h4>, for example, looks like an XML tag rather than the
HTML tag I wanted.
How can I construct an XML file to contain HTML tags in the data for the
Literal element?
The xml file:
some text.
more text. <br />
more text <br />
more text</p>