How can I choose more than one item from list in a form in Excel?



I am trying to create a user friendly input form in Excel. I am using the
control toolbox for this. I would like the user to choose one or more items
from a list. The list box or option/ tick buttons allows only one item to be
chosen from the list. Is there an option for choosing multiple item?

I would also like to know why and when to use user form in VBE v control
toolbox options in Excel workbook?

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Right-click the ListBox (you will need to be in Design Mode if the ListBox
is on the worksheet), select Properties from the popup list and change the
MultiSelect property to one of the two multi-select settings.



I have now entered a check box against each item to let the user choose any
item from list. This will allow me to take action on what the user has chosen
and thus take action accordingly. Is there an easy way to align the check
boxes with the list? Your help much appreciated.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I said "if" in my statement where I referred to Design Mode. You would only
have to worry about Design Mode IF you had the ListBox directly on the
worksheet (this is not something you have to concern yourself with if the
ListBox is on a UserForm). Design Mode can be enabled/disabled from the
Visual Basic toolbar.


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

You don't need separate CheckBox'es to do what you want... just change the
ListBox's ListStyle property to 1-fmListStyleOption and, when a MultiSelect
mode is selected, check boxes will be added in front of each item in the
ListBox (if you don't select one of the MultiSelect modes, then option
buttons are placed in front of the items instead).


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I'm not sure I understand your question... you can do what I described using
an ActiveX ListBox from the Control Box toolbar (not a non-ActiveX ListBox
from the Forms toolbar) on a worksheet directly or the ListBox (also an
ActiveX one) on a UserForm. You can apply VB code to either using Assign
Macro for the ListBox placed directly on the worksheet or the UserForm's
code window (again, depending on where the ListBox is located).


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