I had to perform the same thing on my company's computers
so I created a vb script that remaps the client computers
printers. Copy the script code into a txt file and rename
the extension to .vbs. The client machine needs to have
the latest WMI and WSH installed on it. The script will
remap the users installed printers and delete the old
mappings. Of course the downfall of using a script is the
user has to be logged on at the time. I ended up using SMS
to distribute and run the script during the users log on.
Start the copy from 'run:
'run this vbscript on the client computer. The most
current WSH and WMI need to be installed on the client
On Error Resume Next
strComputer = "."
WSHversion = WScript.Version
'Check to see the computer has the latest Windows Script
Host installed
If WSHversion = "5.6" Then
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer
& "\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from
pServer = (objItem.ServerName)
For Each objItem in colItems
pShare = objItem.ShareName
pServer = UCase(objItem.ServerName)
'Change the \\wtprint01\ to your new print server
nServer = "\\WTPRINT01\"
cPrinter = pServer & "\" & pShare
nPrinter = nServer & pShare
cName = objItem.Name
' MsgBox("Current Servername is " & pServer)
'Change the \\wtprint02 to the existing printer server
If pServer = "\\WTPRINT02" Then
Set npc = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
npc.AddWindowsPrinterConnection nPrinter
Set rpc = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
' MsgBox(cPrinter)
'this will remove the old printer connections
rpc.RemovePrinterConnection cPrinter, True, True
End if
' MsgBox(cPrinter)
End if
Marc Junker