What is the procedure to ADD an additional item to the WinXP Home SP2 JPEG
photo thumbnail view right-click menu, openwith submenu?
When I open a Windows explorer window in my JPEG photo directory, my
Windows explorer is set to View -> Thumbnails -> Arrange Icon by Name.
When I right click on a JPEG thumbnail in Windows explorer, my OpenWith
menu currently has only four items
OpenWith->Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, Irfanview, Paint.Net, Paint (and
then Choose Program).
I'm confused how to ADD a fifth item to that right click JPEG photo windows
context menu. (Note: I originally asked this because I was hoping to
replace the WP&FV with that fifth program but apparently you can't get rid
of WP&FV from the right click JPEG context menu).
How can I add or remove items in the Windows JPEG open-with context sub
photo thumbnail view right-click menu, openwith submenu?
When I open a Windows explorer window in my JPEG photo directory, my
Windows explorer is set to View -> Thumbnails -> Arrange Icon by Name.
When I right click on a JPEG thumbnail in Windows explorer, my OpenWith
menu currently has only four items
OpenWith->Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, Irfanview, Paint.Net, Paint (and
then Choose Program).
I'm confused how to ADD a fifth item to that right click JPEG photo windows
context menu. (Note: I originally asked this because I was hoping to
replace the WP&FV with that fifth program but apparently you can't get rid
of WP&FV from the right click JPEG context menu).
How can I add or remove items in the Windows JPEG open-with context sub