G Guest Feb 28, 2006 #1 hi i am doing project in VC++ .net. i need to communication 2 system using winsock or any other methods aviable.
hi i am doing project in VC++ .net. i need to communication 2 system using winsock or any other methods aviable.
V Vadym Stetsyak Feb 28, 2006 #2 Hello, Dharmaraj! D> hi i am doing project in VC++ .net. i need to communication 2 system D> using winsock or any other methods aviable. If systems are on separate machines then you can use: - winsock - remoting - namedpipes - webservices If systems are on common machine: - memory-mapped file - windows messages -all the above -- Regards, Vadym Stetsyak www: http://vadmyst.blogspot.com
Hello, Dharmaraj! D> hi i am doing project in VC++ .net. i need to communication 2 system D> using winsock or any other methods aviable. If systems are on separate machines then you can use: - winsock - remoting - namedpipes - webservices If systems are on common machine: - memory-mapped file - windows messages -all the above -- Regards, Vadym Stetsyak www: http://vadmyst.blogspot.com