How came I take parts of a database and make a form??

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Hi, I'm trying to make our database more efficient. It's a childrens
organisation with five different groups, many kinds participates in more than
one group. I would like to have only one database and insted make forms with
the different groups. How can I make a form with only some of the posts from
the database?
Would really be glad for some help!!!

Sounds like you might have some real problems with your structure. You
mention tha tyou don't want multiple databases. Do you actually mean

Your form should be based on a query. In that query you can tell it what
data to pull to that form.

Based on what little you posted, I would expect that you would have a
one-to-many relationship here.

Table1 - Children
ChildNumber (key field)

Table2 - Groups
GroupNumber (key)

Table3 - Group Members

Then, If Child number 1234 was a member of group A, C, and D you would end
up with three separate entries in your Table3 they would be...

1234 A
1234 C
1234 D

Post back more details on your table structure and perhaps we can help you
get it normalised.
oops, I meant tables of course.I wasn't sure of the namne since my programe
isn't in english.

Well anyway
I would like to have as few tables as possible.
At the moment there are way to many. Because of funding and stuf like that
we need a table with all the kids in it, with adress and everything. The
problem is that above that table there are five more tables for the different
childrensgroups, and they also need adresses and phone numbers.

Our maintable, with all the kids:
ChildNumber (key field)
and then there are the different groups;
(if they are appart of that groups it's a mark in that box)

In the different groups:
ChildNumber (key field, not hte same as the mane table)

It's really a hassle to be ontop and make sure that all list are uppdated.
I'm not hte one who has made the list, and all I know about this program I've
leard by my self. And I know there bust be a more practical way of doing


"Rick B" skrev:
Nope. You are duplicating information. You don't need the name in the
group table. You don't need the address in the group table. You don't need
the birthdate or the phone number. The whole point of a RELATIONAL database
is that you can create RELATIONSHIPS between tables.

In other words, you can build a query (and a report or a form) that has TWO
tables in it. You would pull some fields from one table, and some from the
other. SO, even though the address only exists in the Child table, you can
still print it next to the child's name when you are reporting on a
particular group.

Using your current scenario, what happens if a phone number changes on a
child in three groups? You have to go fix it in FOUR tables? That does
not seem right, does it?

As far as wanting fewer tables, WHY? You should have as many tables as you
need to normalize the data. In my example, you have three tables. Sounds
like your design already has five or more. You should not worry about the
number of tables, as you normally don't touch them once they are built. You
should be doing all your work through forms, queries, and reports. Once the
table is built, you should rarely touch it again.

You should normalize. It will make things much easier.
I got your point, I've started to put together all the different table in to
the three tables you suggested. So far it ok, I also got made a form to but
in the information. But I'm not really sure how to make a report with the
kids from only one group


"Rick B" skrev:
Once your tables are built, you will build a query. The query will contain
all three of your tables.

You will specify in the query to only pull records where a certain group
exists in the middle table.

Once you get your data entered, post back with more details (let us know
which group you want to print or if you want the person running the report
to TELL the query each time they riun the report) and we can share the exact
wording of your query. I would recommend asking the user when he/she runs
the report which group they want to print and then have the query iuse that
input to produce the report.
This is great, I love this program. Thank you sooo much for all the help!
It's working great, but i realize that I have so much more to learn.


"Rick B" skrev:
No problem. I learned 90% of what I know from the great folks on this
newsgroup, and searching previous posts.

Just post back a new thread when you run into questions. I'm going to stop
watching this thread now.