Sam said:
I have 2 identical tables with LOTS of fields. Is there a way to setup
for each of the fields automatically without having to drag each field one
at a time or creating the relationship table 1 field at a time?
Do you have repeating fields, such as Week1, Week2, ... or Employee1,
Employee2, ... or where each field is the name of something (e.g. a sport)?
If so, the problem is with the table design. You need to normalize the
tables by creating a related table with many records instead of having many
repeating fields in one table.
If that is not the case, do these LOTS of fields together form the primary
key? If so, you may be able to solve the problem by introducing an
artificial key (AutoNumber) instead of the complex primary key.
If the JOINs do not represent links to the key fields, it probably does not
redesigning. (The issue is much more important than just the time it takes
to drag fields around in a query.)