How about Microsoft Fix the Software from locking up and not worki

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Why doesn't Microsoft or the makers of the Movie maker fix the thing. Seems
like most of the people here are having problems with it locking up and
destroying the work. I don't know how many times I have really needed to use
this program and it crashes on me. It has done this since it was released
and continues to do so. Just fix the thing, issue a patch, do something. I
can't believe they would release software that only runs for about 10 minutes
before it locks up the program.

Please fix the software, and make it actually run. It is FANTASTIC for the
first 10 minutes.
I have never had mm crash during use. My only gripe is that I cannot get it
to record my movies as avi....
I also never had MM crash.. but i am running it on a machine with 4 gb. of RAM
i think most of the posts where people have problems they should be asked
how much ram the machine they are running has...
Video editing is very memory intensive!!!
Sorry to hear you're running into crashes, but you could be running into the
problem of third party DirectShow filters. Check out my blog entry about the
compatibility tab on why we can crash and what we did in SP2 to make things

Dean Rowe
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
I have never had mm crash during use. My only gripe is that I cannot get it
to record my movies as avi....

What error do you get exactly?

Not being able to capture in AVI most often is caused by a problem in a DLL
registration that happens due to installation and subsequent uninstallation
of some other programs. To fix it try executing the following line on
Start->Run dialog:

regsvr32 %windir%\system32\qdv.dll

This should result in "RegisterServer succeeded in qdv.dll" message.

Afterwards, restart WMM and try again.

Rehan - get more effects and transitions for Windows Movie Maker