hovering over files in windows explorer

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Is there a way to configure what shows when you hover over a file in windows
explorer. Some files I hover over show just basic info (eg microsoft excel
file 25 kb), while others give more info including such things as the date,
auther etc. I know how to show what columns you want to appear, but not how
to show what appears in this yellow box when you hold the cursor over a
particular file.
I think it depends on what type of file it is and what info is in the file's

For shortcuts, generally the path to the file will display on hover UNLESS
there is something in the Comment field in the shortcut's Properties. Then
the comment will display instead of the path to the file.

For files, the hover info that displays varies. It could be a combination of
any of the following.
- Type
- Description
- Company
- File version
- Date created
- Date modified
- Size

Also, if there is something in the Summary tab on the file's Properties,
that may make a difference on the hover display as well.
I have noticed that if i copy the exact same file from a drive on our network
to my local drive, then it displays much more of the info when stored on my
local drive. I checked the properties for both locations, though, and they
appear to be identical. So i'm not sure what the difference is that makes
these display differently. Something in the registry on the pc/server where
it's actually stored?
To keep the load off the network Explorer only pulls basic info over network connections.

The details are infotip for local, quicktip for network files, and tileinfo for tiles details. These are the basic unless overridden by a type specific string.


Blank values don't show in tip. EG If no attribites are set on a file the info tip will not show an attributes label.

Here is a incomplete list (it doesn't have music or photo properties).

Property Name Description Retrieved From
Author Author of the document OLE document properties (PIDSI_AUTHOR)
Title Title of the document OLE document properties (PIDSI_TITLE)
Subject Subject summary OLE document properties (PIDSI_SUBJECT)
Comment Document comments OLE document properties (PIDSI_COMMENT) or folder/drive properties
PageCount Number of pages OLE document properties (PIDSI_PAGECOUNT)
Name Friendly name Standard folder view
OriginalLocation Location of original file Briefcase folder and Recycle Bin folder
DateDeleted Date file was deleted Recycle Bin folder
Type Type of file Standard folder details view
Size Size of file Standard folder details view
SyncCopyIn Same as OriginalLocation Same as OriginalLocation
Modified Date last modified Standard folder details view
Created Date created Standard folder details view
Accessed Date last accessed Standard folder details view
InFolder Directory containing the file Document search results
Rank Quality of search match Document search results
FreeSpace Available storage space Disk drives
NumberOfVisits Number of visits Favorites folder
Attributes File Attributes Standard folder details view
Company Company name OLE document properties (PIDDSI_COMPANY)
Category Document category OLE document properties (PIDDSI_CATEGORY)
Copyright Media copyright OLE document properties (PIDMSI_COPYRIGHT)
HTMLInfoTipFile HTML InfoTip file Desktop.ini file for folder
If you're talking about the files in a network share, "QuickTip" from
David's post is your ticket. More information on that subject is here.

ToolTips do not display complete information about files that are located on
a network share: