Mike, check my comment that you replied to. I noted there that I see Mouse
Move. That, however, doesn't appear to me to be the same as hovering. If it
is, good . . .
Ah...., I just tried it and it worked. And its not just on Command Buttons.
But adding code to the form's Mouse Move event to reverse the changes to the
controls doesn't work. I set the BackColor of one control to red, and the
Fore Color of another control to red. Once the mouse moves over them, they
change accordingly. But the changes don't revert when the mouse moves over
the form. So how do I undo the control changes when I move the mouse away
from those controls?
Never mind - I just answered that one too. Its not the form's Mouse Move
event that needs the code to reverse those changes, but the Detail's Mouse
Move event.
Thanks, guys! You've been a real help by jiggling new ideas in my mind. Have
a great day!
John Loewen