Not for me..that's not the problem.
Let's use some examples:
1. lets say you are playing poker online and there are two games you are
playing simultaniously but each display is 3/4 the side of you monitor. To
switch from game to game, i merely move my mouse pointer to the edge of the
display that is mostly hidden behind the current front display. The hidden
display immediately moves to the front without clicking the mouse. This is a
real problem. i want to click on the "behind" screen to make it come to the
"front". This mouse hover action is driving me up the wall.
2. I have two or three documents open in their own screen. They are layered
one behind the other with only a portion of the behind document visible.
Normally one should have to move the mouse pointer to the portion of the
hidden ("behind") document and perform a left mouse click to bring the behind
or inactive document to the front. However, the problem is that the hidden or
"behind" document becomes active immediately when the mouse hovers any
portion of the hidden document.
3. Imagine if you were trying to trying to enlarge a doument by getting the
corner of the document to enlarge it, and you missied the corner. The
document under the active one will immediately become active. You could go
back and forth until you precisely hit the corner of the document. What an
extreme pain.
4. I have read may complaints about this with no real solutions for me.
Please help if you understand the problem that appears to be widespread.