Hover button

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Hi, I'm doing technical docs like assembling cycles of products using
FrontPage in order to get a "super light" file with photos and text; these
docs are not released on the web, but a folder in a public directory on our
local network so that each technician can detach the folder and launch what
we called INDEX file to start reading the assembling cycle.
On this "first page" Index there is the title, name and picture of the
product, logo and a simple button as "ENTER" (clicking on it you go on page 2
which is a list of the assembling operations).
And here the question: when I open the page with I.E. (V. 6.0 SP2) there is
a warning message of protection, the active content of the file cannot be
opened (that is the button) until I right-click on the bar and I agree to
open. In this way the button appears, otherwise no.
I already tried to activate all options and properties related to activeX
controls on IE Internet Options - Protection - Customized... but this warning
is always active and I want it to desappear.
What am I doing wrong? some other protections like firewall or pop-ups are
not activated.
Thanks a lot
Try adding the mark of the web to the html files

SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| Hi, I'm doing technical docs like assembling cycles of products using
| FrontPage in order to get a "super light" file with photos and text; these
| docs are not released on the web, but a folder in a public directory on our
| local network so that each technician can detach the folder and launch what
| we called INDEX file to start reading the assembling cycle.
| On this "first page" Index there is the title, name and picture of the
| product, logo and a simple button as "ENTER" (clicking on it you go on page 2
| which is a list of the assembling operations).
| And here the question: when I open the page with I.E. (V. 6.0 SP2) there is
| a warning message of protection, the active content of the file cannot be
| opened (that is the button) until I right-click on the bar and I agree to
| open. In this way the button appears, otherwise no.
| I already tried to activate all options and properties related to activeX
| controls on IE Internet Options - Protection - Customized... but this warning
| is always active and I want it to desappear.
| What am I doing wrong? some other protections like firewall or pop-ups are
| not activated.
| Thanks a lot
Thank you very much. I read and I've tried to do what explained, but as far
I'm pretty good in working on FPage with the WYSIWYG mode, I'm not with the
code... so I "brutally" copied the string indicated on the link (<!-- saved
from url=(0014)about:internet -->) somewhere in a row of code and...
obviously... it did not worked!
Do I have to put the string between something like <p> </p> or whatever?
Try placing it as the very first line on your page in Code View.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

In code view, paste the code immediately before the <html> tag at the
top of the code.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
<HTML xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

if you do not use a <!doctype>
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/
I thank you very much both Thomas and Ron. Now it seems to work, no more
warning message, but now I see some problem with the hover button link; I'll
do my test and maybe I'll be back on the forum.
In any case thank you very much again!

One more thing before leaving:
do you think I should improve my pc with the upgrage for XP sp2 mentioned in
the above link?
Besides the 'mark of the web' which you now have configured,
another problem you may encounter is viewers who will not be
able to see the hover buttons. They are actually java
applets, and MS no longer distributes the necessary virtual
machine needed to render them in IE, and the other browsers
would also need to have the Java VM installed from Sun

It is generally accepted not to use the hover buttons, and
instead use interactive buttons or DHTML effects on images

: Hi, I'm doing technical docs like assembling cycles of
products using
: FrontPage in order to get a "super light" file with photos
and text; these
: docs are not released on the web, but a folder in a public
directory on our
: local network so that each technician can detach the
folder and launch what
: we called INDEX file to start reading the assembling
: On this "first page" Index there is the title, name and
picture of the
: product, logo and a simple button as "ENTER" (clicking on
it you go on page 2
: which is a list of the assembling operations).
: And here the question: when I open the page with I.E. (V.
6.0 SP2) there is
: a warning message of protection, the active content of the
file cannot be
: opened (that is the button) until I right-click on the bar
and I agree to
: open. In this way the button appears, otherwise no.
: I already tried to activate all options and properties
related to activeX
: controls on IE Internet Options - Protection -
Customized... but this warning
: is always active and I want it to desappear.
: What am I doing wrong? some other protections like
firewall or pop-ups are
: not activated.
: Thanks a lot
After all my tests everything's fine. As written in the MOTW link, the string
must be put on all pages. I had some problems only on pages with hover
buttons, but I had to put the string even on "simple" pages with text and
photos and/or hypertext links.
Thank you very much to all of you