Hours as a string

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Box 666

In a work database a module allows a series of calculation which produces a
result of the number of hours worked, but I am unable to carry out any form
of manipulation on it. It will not even sort Ascending / Desending order.

I am told this may be because it has been produced "as a string", if so how
can I change it back to numeric or how can I carry out basic manipulation
such as find min / max / average / sort etc.

How are you getting it to become a string in the first place, Bob? It
doesn't make sense to build a string and then convert it to numeric. It
makes more sense to correct the building it as a string instead.
Hope this helps!
Anne Troy (better known as Dreamboat)
Web: New! www.VBAExpress.com
Attached is the module, I am a novice and certainly not a programmer.
The module will produce a list of hours elapsed (in working days) in the
format of days/hours/mins/secs between 2 dates. However once I have the list
of results I cannot do anything with it. I need to be able to to find
smallest, largest and avg.
Whilst this is a claculated field, I have tried adding it to a table and
then sorting etc but it still will not work. Any suggestions as to how to
resolve this situation greatfully received.


Function WorkingHours(ByVal SDate As Date, ByVal EDate As
Date) As String

Const SDay As Integer = 9 '9am start
Const EDay As Integer = 17 '5pm finish
Dim lngDays as Long
Dim lngHours As Long
Dim lngMins As Single
Dim lngSecs As Single
Dim lngCount As Long

WorkingHours = "0"
If DatePart("h", SDate) < SDay Then
'Start time before SDay
'Move the time to the start of the working day
SDate = CVDate(Format$(SDate, "dd mmm yyyy") & " " &
Format$(SDay, "00") & ":00:00")
End If

If DatePart("w", SDate, vbMonday) > 5 Then
'Start day not weekday
'Move it to the start hour of monday
If DatePart("w", SDate, vbMonday) = 1 Then Exit Do
SDate = DateAdd("d", 1, SDate)
SDate = CVDate(Format$(SDate, "dd mmm yyyy") & " " &
Format$(SDay, "00") & ":00:00")
End If

If SDate > EDate Then
Exit Function
End If

If DatePart("Y", SDate) = DatePart("Y", EDate) Then
'Same day
If DatePart("h", EDate) < EDay Then
'Straight subtraction
WorkingHours = Format$(EDate - SDate, "hh:mm:ss")
Exit Function
EDate = CVDate(Format$(SDate, "dd mmm yyyy") & " "
& CStr(EDay) & ":00:00")
WorkingHours = Format$(EDate - SDate, "hh:mm:ss")
Exit Function
End If
End If

If DatePart("w", EDate, vbMonday) > 5 Then
'Ends on a weekend
lngHours = 0 'The number of hours on the last day
lngMins = 0 'The number of minutes on the last day
lngSecs = 0 'The number of minutes on the last day
'Ends on a weekday
If DatePart("h", EDate) < SDay Then
'Finished before start time
lngHours = 0 'The number of hours on the last
lngMins = 0 'The number of minutes on the last
lngSecs = 0 'The number of minutes on the last
'Finished after start time
lngHours = DatePart("h", EDate) - SDay 'The
number of hours on the last day
lngMins = DatePart("n", EDate) 'The number of
minutes on the last day
lngSecs = DatePart("s", EDate) 'The number of
minutes on the last day
End If
End If
If Int(SDate) > Int(EDate) Then
WorkingHours = "0"
Exit Do
End If
'Step back to start day, stepping over weekends
EDate = DateAdd("d", -1, EDate)
If DatePart("w", EDate, vbMonday) < 6 Then
'This is a weekday
If Int(SDate) = Int(EDate) Then
'We are back to the start date
'Add it to the time from the start day
EDate = CVDate(Format$(EDate, "dd mmm
yyyy") & " " & CStr(EDay) & ":00:00")
lngHours = lngHours + DatePart("h",
(EDate - SDate))
lngMins = lngMins + DatePart("n", (EDate -
lngSecs = lngSecs + DatePart("s", (EDate -
If lngSecs > 59 Then
lngSecs = lngSecs - 60
lngMins = lngMins + 1
End If
If lngMins > 59 Then
lngMins = lngMins - 60
lngHours = lngHours + 1
End If
WorkingHours = CSTR(int(lngHours\8) & ":"
& Format$(lngHours MOD 08,"00") & ":" &
Format$(lngMins, "00") & ":" & Format$(lngSecs, "00")
Exit Do
If Int(SDate) > Int(EDate) Then
WorkingHours = "0"
Exit Do
'Add in a full day
lngHours = lngHours + EDay - SDay
End If
End If
End If
End Function