I've got this:
Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor
coded right after the "MyBase.NEW" in the generated WIn
Forms stuff, hoping to set the hourglass while the init
components runs. I clears so fast I only see a flicker.
Digging back thru the docs I found a joyous tidbit that
sez the cursor gets reset on the next Windows Message.
Since there's a snow storm of messaging going on when a
form loads, I gave up. Now I'm guessing (referring back
to Dan's note) that I'm definitely in the GUI thread. If
I've missed something (and that will NOT be a first), I
will be most grateful for any guidance.
I'd love to get the control of my cursor I had in VB 6.
I'd _really_ love to be able to give my clients a visual
clue when I'm going out to lunch for a few seconds.
TIA, all.