Anna :______I have almost filled up an IDE caddie with back up's ect __So it
works, but if I want to use it I have to (with Computer shut down) unplug
the usb cable that is plugged into the 5.5" rack remove the caddie and
reboot after attaching usb cable and refitting the caddie into the
rack___now when booting It finds the HDD as a removable USB drv, it is
showing in the BIOS, and control panel as a USB drv, and in the my computer
it is shown as just another drv*****__it is a ViPower Inc (Taiwan) IDE model
# VP-10KPF ___If I leave it as it is all set up as a permanent HDD it's OK
BUT if I remove it (the caddie) as It is supposed to be made to do, then I
lose my shortcut and it sometimes shows in the control panel as being OK but
will not work again unless I remove (Uninstall) the USB drv and reboot ,
then its OK the rack is connected via a cable that fits the rear of the rack
(normal Pins) and other end of cable is attached to the USB MOB external
port __the Sata drive is still on it's way from manila__I have ordered a PCI
card with 3 sata plugs and 1 IDE plug__the manual that I have just been
looking at say's I may have made a mistake with this MOB_____Will post again
on this NG with all INFO as it goes down, thanks everyone for your input
With kind regards From WillofAustralia