|On another N.G., a poster with the same problem, supposedly spoke to someone
|in the M.S.Accounts Dept., who said that the recent changes to Hotmail
|around 3 Dec. have not worked out, and no date was given for a repair of the
|problem. It appears to be common problem accessing Hotmail.
||> Disable any internet security programs you may have
|> running and try again. I had that problem when running
|> McAfee Internet Security.
|> >-----Original Message-----
|> >everytime i try to use my hotmail, "the page cannot be
|> >displayed" pops up. i can go to any other site except
|> >hotmail, and i don't know what to do. someone please
|> >explain!
|> >.
|> >
Works OK in Outlook.........