I have asked this question to every discussion group that I can think would
help I have searched the Internet endlessly...but to no avail...so I will
try here and if I cannot get an answer I will give up...
How do I change my Hotmail shortcut Icon on my Windows xp desktop...yes I
have gone into properties and selected change icon and selected 1000
different file type s and option but it will not change it flickers for a
moment and returns to the standard E icon which I hate...This is my last hope
can someone help me PLEASE
help I have searched the Internet endlessly...but to no avail...so I will
try here and if I cannot get an answer I will give up...
How do I change my Hotmail shortcut Icon on my Windows xp desktop...yes I
have gone into properties and selected change icon and selected 1000
different file type s and option but it will not change it flickers for a
moment and returns to the standard E icon which I hate...This is my last hope
can someone help me PLEASE