Stephen F. Fulghum
After installation of XP Service Pack 2
I can't get into my Hotmail account.
I have turned off the Firewall... no difference.
I can get into MSN Messenger and it say I have email...
but when I click on any of those buttons
I get the infinite loop of RE-ENTER YOUR PASSWORD
I can get information on my NET profile
but to change my password I have to enter it
the infinite loop again
any suggestions short of reinstalling Service Pack 1
I can't get into my Hotmail account.
I have turned off the Firewall... no difference.
I can get into MSN Messenger and it say I have email...
but when I click on any of those buttons
I get the infinite loop of RE-ENTER YOUR PASSWORD
I can get information on my NET profile
but to change my password I have to enter it
the infinite loop again
any suggestions short of reinstalling Service Pack 1