Hotlink with highlight-Hyperlink??

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Hi, How do I hot link a text box that will take the reader to another part of
the document that discussues say the text box title?

I have tried hyperlink and this does not provide the full approach I am
trying to achieve as it does not have the capacity to direct the reader
DIRECT to the detail located elswhere in the document and that it is
highlighted and have 'mouse hover' pop up details as well.

Hyperlink does give me the mouse hover but you need to Ctrl + Click rather
than click on the text box to go to the other part in the document.

I am sure it is my basic user ability that is the problem and not wanting
more from word than it can provide, so any assistance is greatly apprecaited.

Hi Mike,

You didn't mention the version of Word you're using or the file type you're creating. This can affect how you accomplish the task a
bit and also if you're trying to accomplish this just on your computer or for files used by others.

The 'Ctrl+click' behavior to follow a hyperlink setting that works only on your computer, not on those of other folks. In Word
2003, for example, it's in Tools=>Options=>Edit.

To have a hyperlink go to specific text within a Word document you can bookmark the goto target in Word by selecting the text then
using Insert=>Bookmark to name and create the bookmark.

To have the Textbox be the jump trigger to the bookmark select the whole textbox then use Ctrl+K (Insert=>Hyperlink) and click the
[Bookmarks] button to select the jumpto location within your document. Note that if you've used Words 'Heading' styles to create
headings then you may not need the separate steps to create a bookmark. The 'headings' will already be in the [Bookmarks] list.

Hi, How do I hot link a text box that will take the reader to another part of
the document that discussues say the text box title?

I have tried hyperlink and this does not provide the full approach I am
trying to achieve as it does not have the capacity to direct the reader
DIRECT to the detail located elswhere in the document and that it is
highlighted and have 'mouse hover' pop up details as well.

Hyperlink does give me the mouse hover but you need to Ctrl + Click rather
than click on the text box to go to the other part in the document.

I am sure it is my basic user ability that is the problem and not wanting
more from word than it can provide, so any assistance is greatly apprecaited.


Bob Buckland ?:-)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*
HI Bob and thanks for the reply.

I have 2003 on my work PC and 2000 on the home PC. The file/word doc is to
be sent to various staff and I guess potentially fifferent versions of word.

I wanted to have the text box linked to the same box further in the document
that expands on the brief title / heading that is in the text box. Does this
assist in your answering me?
